EdmontonCommunity Sandboxes

Did you know that free sand is provided during winter weather to use on your icy sidewalks and walkways? Just bring your own container when you visit your local community sandbox or roadway maintenance yard. Sandboxes are to be refilled within 5 days following the end of snowfall.

There are 700 sandboxes throughout Edmonton.

Neighborhoods that have never had a sandbox previously and would like one must contact their community leagues. The community league must call 311 to make the request on behalf of the neighborhood. For neighborhoods with no community league, residents can call 311 directly to make the request.

I was very surprised to see that in Ward Dene there are several neighborhoods that do not have community sandboxes. That includes McConachie, Britnell, CyBecker, and Hollick Kenyon.

The Horse Hill Community League has been trying to work with the city to install them in these neighborhoods for the last 2 years but the city has not been helpful or accomodating. I understand that establishing new locations is probably onerous but there should be at least one location to service these 4 neighborhoods.

You can check out the sandbox locations on the City of Edmonton website.



Writing a letter to your Senator if you are against the Emergency Act.


Leduc Country Lights 2021